

Does your Gold Coast business need a responsive website?

It’s the big term of 2015 when it comes to quality web design – Do you have a responsive website? What this really means is can your website be viewed on any device? The number of internet users with mobile phones and tablets is soaring. As this article from WhaTech says: “… if you still […]
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Google Mobile App now displaying real time tweets

We’ve got another great update from Google. From now on if you use the Google App for searches, your results will include the latest information being tweeted about that subject. Here’s what they had to say about this new development: “Whether you’re interested in the latest from Taylor Swift, news about the #MadMenFinale, or updates […]
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Case Study: The Great Australian Doorstep

This week we are looking at a web design that involved a TV show and an AFL Footy legend! Former Saints, Hawks and Swans superstar, Peter “Spida” Everitt needed a dynamic website to showcase his travel TV show, The Great Australian Doorstep. Their website needed to be colourful and dynamic, just like their TV show. It also […]
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